Last two weekends I read two books by Prof Galal Amin of American University in Cairo with title: Whatever happened to Egyptians? The books illustrate very vividly how the Egyptian society has changed in the last 50 + years. Before the revolution in 1952, Egypt was described as a half percent society. It means only half percent landed aristocrats lived a comfortable life while the rest of the population lived in poverty and misery. The revolution helped to widen the circle of the privileged. The liberal economic policies and oil boom of the 1970s further expanded the circle of people with means. Many labourers could now go to the Gulf, save money and build palatial summer houses that their parents could have never dreamt of. The author very nicely describes how the summer resort of Alexandria has been horizontally expanding with the new wealth.
With new economics, people have acquired new tastes. Weddings and birthday parties are celebrated in hotels. There is more emphasis on video shooting than retaining memories. Pictures in people's columns of newspapers matter more than children's frolick at these events. Television is dominated by soap operas on family feuds and relationships. Music and food represent mix of local with the Western. Since much of the new prosperity is a result of globalisation (imports, exports, work abroad, tourism revenue, foreign direct investment, stock markets), people's culture is also getting globalised.
However, while globalisation has enabled a large number of people to join the circle of prosperity, it leaves out a larger number of people who do not have skills to negotiate with the world economy. They are neglected. Media don't carry their stories unless there are major catastrophies. For them, terms of trade reverse, with prices going up and the state offering concessions to the privileged. These people then take resort to crime and extremism.
Isn't this description of changing Egypt similar to changes taking place in several societies in the world? Aren't shopping malls, soap operas, fast food, five star events order of the day for the privileged in almost every big city in the world? Aren't slums, gangs, mercenaries spreading all over the world?
Prof Galal Amin has described evolution of the Egyptian society. I think he is talking about all of us.